Thursday 23 April 2009

The Holy Hotwing????

Jebus done showed up in wing form, sort of, back in February:

The Holy Hot Wing:
An Alibi religious sighting exclusive!
Laura Marrich, Religion Editor [ Thu Feb 26 2009 2:32 PM ]

Jesus appeared in a hot wing during Mardi Gras dinner service at Blackbird Buvette restaurant and bar, located right here in downtown Albuquerque. Lord knows if you've got a godly message to get across the night before Lent, it wouldn't be in the empty pews of a church. It'd be in a plate of hot wings.

Take a look at these exclusively obtained cell phone photos, courtesy of Blackbird bartender Noelan Ramirez. Not pictured is the back, which looks a lot like a giraffe head. But the front is 100 percent Lord and Savior.

The Holy Hot Wing is currently frozen at Blackbird to preserve its reli-ciouness. Then it might go up for sale on Ebay. Call 243-0878 if you'd like to intercede and purchase the HHW for your next church function.


Chris said...

Looks more like a steer head then a Jesus chicken wing:)

Lord of the Wings said...

LOL it does look more like a steer head!