Wednesday 12 August 2020

Yea or Nay on Frozen Wings? + RedFlagDeals Best Retail Chicken Wings


I got to reading a thread on RedFlagDeals Food section where people were talking about Best Retail Chicken Wings. I didn't weigh in but agree with most that frozen wings aren't great, and it's often better to make your own. But that's not always possible. That's why I've been doing my #quarantinefrozenwingreviews (see link on the side bar) to weed out the good and the bad. 

Personally, those wings above, La Cage wings, did not look that appetizing, but the flavour ain't bad. What about you, what is your favourite frozen wing?

1 comment:

Blog Mann said...

Yeah, frozen wings are rarely a treat for the eyes, but they are convenient, and some manage to be pretty tasty.

My favourite frozen wings of all time were Memphis Style Dry Rub Coated Chicken Wings, but I only ever found those when I was living in the states.