Friday 14 August 2020

COVID-19 Found with Frozen Chicken Wings - But it's ok

 If you were watching the news this week, you might have seen the same headline that doubled my fear of COVID-19:

Apparently China found cases of COVID-19 in frozen chicken wings that had been imported from Brazil. If COVID wasn't bad enough, it's going after chicken wings now?

But it seems things are not as bad as they sound according to WHO officials:

Some of the take-aways from the video:

  • China has been testing on packaging, and tested a few hundred thousand samples and found less than 10 positive cases
  • Virus can remain on surfaces, but can be in-activated on hands if you wash your hands or use alcohol base rub
  • If virus is in food, as of August 12 2020 we have no examples of the virus being transmitted by food borne (consumed), the virus and other viruses are killed when the meat is cooked
  • People should not fear food or food packaging but experts continue to do research

So simple rules to follow:

WEAR A MASK IN PUBLIC (nothing to do with food, just do it!)

So stay safe and wing on!!!

Some official News reports:  

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