Monday 6 April 2020

LOTW MEME MONDAY - Pick 3 of 9 in Quarantine

You can only pick 3 ... choose wisely

What 3 wings are you picking?

  1. Hot (Breaded) Wings
  2. Salt & Pepper Wings
  3. Creamy Dill Wings
  4. Smoked Wings
  5. Buffalo Wings
  6. Garlic Parmesan Wings
  7. BBQ (sauced) Wings
  8. Dry Cajun Wings
  9. Suicide Wings

I think my 3 are 9 Suicide, 7 BBQ, and 3 Dill. Although I do like a good 1 Breaded Hot. 5 Buffalo is classic. Now if you 4 Smoke the wings, but then toss them in 3 Dill ... or 5 Buffalo ... bah this is too hard!!!


Blog Mann said...

Buffalo, GarPar, and Smoked!

Lord of the Wings said...

@Chaz Regal - good choices!!!