Tuesday 10 July 2012

MISSING: Lord of the Wings

Holy Crap.

Where has the Lord of the Wings been? I knew it was bad when when I had two independent friends ask "Are you still alive?" Actually I had a number of people tell me that they keep tabs on me through the blog, but since I haven't updated in months, they didn't know what was going on. It's good to know that people do read the blog!

So what have I been up to? 

  • Moving into the penthouse of my building.
  • Work Retreat.
  • Trip to Ottawa.
  • Continue Moving.
  • Conference at McMaster University in Hamilton.
  • Conference at Brock University in St. Catherines.
  • Upgrade in position at work (so working more now).
  • 2 sets of visitors in one extended weekend (yea Jason  and then Julianna, Alli and Jason 2).
  • Graduating from a Professional Training Institute.
  • Canada Day in Ottawa for a week, then off to Syracuse with LJ.

It has been a whirlwind 2 months and it's just been go go go. I've met a whole new crew of people, and even had my blog shouted out by a presenter in a session. I'm home now, sleeping in my own bed in my new place and I'm ready for the rest of the summer to be busy, but resuming normality.

I haven't stopped having wings though. Oh no. Actually I counted the reviews, recipes and food related things I've been doing, and I have almost 30 posts sitting in wait. 30. I have no idea how long it will take me to catch up. But I will. I won't lie, some might be a bit slimmer in review; I can often remember the taste of wings for over a month later, but there have been soooo many. I will try my best though.

I miss my blog terribly. I miss writing, I miss hearing from all of you.  It's been so weird not being here, or on twitter, or e-mail. But I'm coming back. Sorry for not getting back to you, following you. But I'm back baby, and wingier than ever. 

Wing Long and Prosper
Lord of the Wings


Teena in Toronto said...

Sounds like you're busy ... but a good busy.

Chris said...

And I thought you had gone to that great Hooters in the Sky.

Lord of the Wings said...

@Teena - yes. It took a small toll, but I met a lot of new people, connected with old friends, and learned a lot. But I'm ready to wing again!

@Chris - if only . . . if only :p