Yes, World Wide Web Wacky Wing Wednesday. WWWWWW. This is where I will surf the Web, and find other people talking about chicken wings. The world is full of chicken wing stories, wacky and otherwise. Recipes, restaurant reviews, eating contests or whatever. Today's Blog relating to wings in some shape or form:
E-J has a cool sketch blog that she no longer updates. Which is a shame, because she has some cool sketches. I personally, like her chicken wing sketch.
She was out with friends on the 4th WorldWide SketchCrawl:
"My late al fresco lunch of fried chicken wings found itself the subject of a final sketch (done rapidly, so please overlook the wonky ellipses). I’m counting this as EDM #87: Draw your lunch. Though very tasty, these were almost cold by the time I ate them. How I suffer for my art!"
I understand . . . my wings get cold from photography.
Cold wings are better than no wings!
@Chris - here here!
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