Sunday 27 June 2010

Wing Dip Poll Results

Just over a week ago, I was focused on what people like to dip their chicken wings in, if anything at all. We had a great turn out of 30 voters (myself included once) and well, the results are in:

The results were what I expected. Blue Cheese was the dominant choice; Sour Cream was at the bottom. Tied at the bottom was Dill (this surprised me, but perhaps this is a lesser known dip?). 2nd place we have people choosing NOT to dip, which surprises me, but really I don't dip my wings usually anyway. Very interesting - I'd love to know more reasons why people picked what they did.

Thanks to those of you who voted and commented. This was fun. Let's do it again some time soon!


  1. Blue cheese smells like smelly socks!

    Dill sauce rocks :)

  2. I was thinking of a funny comeback for Teena but had an idea.

    I wonder if one could take a chicken tender, butterfly it, stuff it with a chunky blue cheese, bread it and deep fry it for an "inside out" buffalo style chicken tender? Maybe you could even pull it off with the wingette portion between the bones? Kind of like the Juicy Lucy stuffed cheeseburger.


  3. Teena - lol funny rhyme!

    Chris - Not a great comeback, but a delicious idea! I keep toying with the idea of stuffed wing ideas . . . this sounds great!


Thanks for your comments: Comment often - just keep it respectable or I'm sending your comment to the bone pile.