Tuesday 1 December 2009

Wingette vs Drummette POLL RESULTS

Last week we polled you members of the Wing Nation about your wing eating habits and what is your favourite part of the wing - the wingette, the drummette, the whole wing or everything?!

Well the results are in, as of December 1st 2009 with a total of 21 votes:


I wasn't surprised that most people went for the wingette. I was surprised that 'doesn't matter which' came in second over drummette. I'm mostly happy everyone likes wings and there were no wing haters in the electorate who voted.

Thanks to all who voted - it was fun and I'm going to look into more polls in the future.


  1. Actually, anyone that did try to vote "hate wings" I had installed a script on your site that gave them the "scrawny frozen breaded soggy baked wing virus32/vm". It erased their hard drives as soon as they TRIED to click on their vote.

    My bad :)

  2. Chris - Thanks, what would I do without you protecting our wing interests!


Thanks for your comments: Comment often - just keep it respectable or I'm sending your comment to the bone pile.