Thursday 14 May 2015

TMZ interviews Ronda Rousey about wings

TMZ stopped Ronda Rousey, a mixed martial artist and recently turned actress in Furious 7 and the Expendables 3 and apparently a huge wing fanatic, to talk about wings in a quick chicken wing interview.

I have no idea how or why they started this line of questioning, but it's the fist time I was impressed with a TMZ interview:

  • "I like mine super spicy"
  • "someone brought me boneless breaded wings after I beat Sarah Kaufman and I cried. I literally cried. It has to be naked, an it has to have bones in it, and has extra hot sauce, and blue cheese"
  • "I like to take the two bones split in half and suck it off entirely on both sides"

This Ronda knows what she wants in a wing and I appreciate that. The passion for the wing, and for eating them after beating the crap out of an opponent, means I won't correct her that it's a wingette and a drummette (all wing) and not a leg . . .

1 comment:

  1. Ronda is a bad ass in the ring and love her or hate her, you have to appreciate her lust for life. To me, she is a great example of determining your own path and making your dreams become reality. Great interview, like you said, best ever for TMZ.


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