Tuesday 11 March 2014

RETURN of Lord of the Wings!

Yes, the Lord of the Wings is back.

Sorry folks, the blog has been sorely neglected. I've been eating wings, and reviewing, but I haven't been writing. Things changed quite a bit for me in 2013, and 2014 hasn't been too much different. I've been swamped in my day job, which regularily bleeds into my night. I love it, but it does interfere with my time and energy to write. Personally I've also had a few health problems, slowed me down before, but I'm happy to report I'm doing much better. And on a personal high, I got engaged recently and I know that's going to impact my time writing.

I won't lie, I have a LOT of reviews from 2013 - and I'm slowly working on getting them up. I will continue to put the old date in the top left corner. Once I get through, it's going to be late, but I will get my best and worst list out (even if its 3 months over due). And I will continue to post my 2014 wing reviews.

I'm trying to work on how to post my reviews more efficiently, without sacrificing the quality I hold my work up to. It may not seem like it to some, but it actually takes a long time to create each post.

I've been away from the blog far too long. I miss it terribly. I miss hearing from you and about your wings. I can't guarantee I won't fall behind again, but I need to come back and restore the crown of wing online media that is, Lord of the Wings.

Wing Long and Prosper
Wing King


  1. Anonymous6:42 pm

    So glad you're back. Love the way you write your posts and your honest approach.

    - Chris from Nova Scotia

  2. Hey! Congratulation you two, that is wonderful. Hopefully the work calms down soon.

  3. Welcome back! Take care!


Thanks for your comments: Comment often - just keep it respectable or I'm sending your comment to the bone pile.