Sunday 29 January 2012

And the winner of BOTW 2012 was . . .

Ok I'm just teasing - if you don't know the winner, your going to still have to wait - I'm still editing the video and photos. But they will be up soon (and not a year late like last time). But soon!


  1. Hey LOTW. I saw this article on Canoe and thought of you.

    "New record set at Wing Bowl XX"

    Obviously taste and quality were not the stars of this show

  2. @Swordsman - thanks! I'm gonna quickly add that to my Superbowl article I just posted). Wing Eating is sad in that those two qualities are not important.

  3. LMAO over the chicken w/ bandaids. So wrong, so very wrong. But funny.

  4. @Chris - ya its a great trophy. It still hasn't been officially mounted . . . and I still haven't finished the video from that night . . .


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