Saturday 24 December 2011

Santa's Coming tonight - move over Cookies

Tonight's the big night when that Jolly old elf is travelling the world . . .

. . .  and while visiting family, I was shown a comic in Women's World, which when I have kids and Santa visiting, I think would be appropriate for me:

Happy Holidays y'all!


  1. Hilarious.

    But surrrree, you "were shown a comic". We all know you have a monthly subscription to Woman's World! :)

  2. When I was young, Dad had me leave out a beer for Santa and carrots for the reindeer. When I woke up Christmas morning, the beer bottle was empty and carrot tops would be in the snow outside

  3. @Teena - ah you know you like it.

    @Chris - oh you caught me :p

    @Kathy - thanks. Good day to you too.

    @Swordsman - That is a great story. I'm going to have to do that when I'm a dad!


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