Wednesday 20 July 2011

WWWWWW #43 - Etsy

Yes, World Wide Web Wacky Wing Wednesday. WWWWWW. This is where I will surf the Web, and find other people talking about chicken wings. The world is full of chicken wing stories, wacky and otherwise. Recipes, restaurant reviews, eating contests or whatever. Today's Blog relating to wings in some shape or form:

  Etsy is kinda like E-bay, but for handmade items that people make themselves. If you knit or craft and want to sell your art, you can sell on Etsy. Looking for a unique gift? Go on Etsy.

What I find really interesting is the chicken wing themed items on Etsy. Yes, you read that right. And as I post this, some of these items will be sold, but new ones will come in place.

This is what I'm talking about: Buffalo Wings Felt Play Food.  Looks yummy, and you get:
5 Buffalo wings (3 drummies and 2 wings)
3 celery sticks
1 dish of blue cheese

all for $20 (USD).

Maybe recipes are your wing thing? How about two e-books: 101 Chicken Wing Recipes & the Ultimate Chicken Wing Cookbook. For $0.75!

Maybe you cook wings and you need an apron? What about a wing apron that says "When it comes to cooking I just wing it!"   $24.95.

How about art? You can buy the above poster for Stefan Sagmeister's 2008 presentation at TypeCon in Buffalo NY. I'll be honest, I had to Wikipedia to find out who Stefan is, but the poster is cool! $20.

And the coolest of the bunch - Buffalo Wing Fresh Handmade Soap! Yes, soap. So you can wash your hands from the wing sauce with buffalo wing soap! The wings smell like creamsicle, the celery like cucumber melon, and the carrots smell like Butt Naked (blend of green apple, melon and pears). Awesome. And only $5.75.

So get your wing on in craft form and check out Etsy. Or any other craft items you might be interested in. There are some creative and talented people out there.


  1. And it only took a month to get a new WWWWWW! Woot woot.

  2. How cute are the toy wings??!!

  3. @Teena - Aren't they? If I had kids they would have those for sure

  4. @Teena - Aren't they? If I had kids they would have those for sure

  5. I'm picturing some guy coming home tipsy and eating the soap.

  6. @Chris - lol - so true because they look so real.


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