Wednesday 17 November 2010

WWWWWW #32 - The Sriracha Cookbook

Yes, World Wide Web Wacky Wing Wednesday. WWWWWW. This is where I will surf the Web, and find other people talking about chicken wings. The world is full of chicken wing stories, wacky and otherwise. Recipes, restaurant reviews, eating contests or whatever. Today's Blog relating to wings in some shape or form:

Stumbling around the Interweb searching for chicken wings and sriracha, I came across a wonderful site: The Sriracha Cookbook Blog. Randy Clemens, a "food & drink writer, professional hedonist, BJCP Recognized Beer Judge, and a true gentleman of fortune" wrote a book highlighting one of the best condiments ever created. The blog highlights the book, but is a collection of all things sriracha. 

 I knew this was going to be a fun site to visit when I saw "Sriracha Baby Formula": "Stop coddling your little one. They’ve had enough “No More Tears” shampoo. It’s time for them to grow up. Sriracha Baby Formula is perfect for those “I’ll give you something to cry about!” moments and is just what you need to help ween junior off his ba-ba."

Ha! It is time for them to grow up. You have to start them early . . .

While you have to buy the book to get the recipes, there are plenty of links to other people's recipes that use sriacha. I love the gooey yolk from this Fried Egg Sandwich with Sriracha.

Of course I came to the blog because of the wings. Above are Korean Fried Chicken Wings that are "Fried in lard, tossed with butter and a bit of Sriracha."

Or what about Orange Marmalade Sriracha Wings. They sound sweet and spicy. Mmmmmm.

So check out the blog. And if you are so inclined, buy the book. And if your feeling really generous, buy me the book!


  1. Big thanks for the kind words! I'm glad you like the site and all the craziness I post. Viva la Sriracha!

    - Randy Clemens -

  2. @Randy - Thanks for coming to my blog, and for making a cool site - I agree, viva la Sriracha!

  3. indianguy9:56 am

    Yes? Hi! When Vashi gets the cold he makes the sriracha tea. It also the super secret but it makes the spicy b00gers.

  4. LOTW, you rock for finding this. You know I LOVE sriracha and need more excuses to use it. I will be visiting this blog often and probably buying the book.

    I'm hot for sriracha!

  5. @indianguy - sriracha tea eh? Intersting . . . and in burgers its natural

    @Chris - this book needs to be on your shelf!


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