Wednesday 6 October 2010

Back on Track

Personal post here.

Things have finally stabalized round here. The transition is basically complete from the move, job, and general life restructuring. I've finally caught up in my blog posts, which means I can now go and do some new reviews, recipes and updating the news. I still have some catching up in answering LOTW e-mails and on many good friends blogs and posts. I'm looking forward to getting back into the 'wing' of things and thank you all for your patience while I abandoned the blog for like two months.

You guys, the Wing Nation, rock.




  1. We know what it's like. Glad things have settled.

  2. @Chris - Thanks, I don't know how you keep up so well.


Thanks for your comments: Comment often - just keep it respectable or I'm sending your comment to the bone pile.