Wednesday 7 July 2010

WWWWWW #26 - Cool Hunting

Yes, World Wide Web Wacky Wing Wednesday. WWWWWW. This is where I will surf the Web, and find other people talking about chicken wings. The world is full of chicken wing stories, wacky and otherwise. Recipes, restaurant reviews, eating contests or whatever. Today's Blog relating to wings in some shape or form:

"Cool Hunting is synonymous with seeking inspiration. Our global team of editors and contributors sift through innovations in design, technology, art and culture to create our award-winning publication, consisting of daily updates and weekly mini-documentaries."

Cool Hunting is a very cool site with lots of funky, impressive art from a variety of mediums.The above is a collage I made of some of their banners on the website highlighting art. But they also talk about technology, travel, and food. I stumlbed upon them because of BBQ. Specifically a review of Adam Perry Lang's cook book, BBQ 25.

What caught my eye was the picture of the chicken wing page. It's too small to read, but the picture of the wings being tossed in motion is great. The cook book looks graphically fantastic and Cool Hunting seems to think its great for any level of chef.

No other chicken wings on Cool Hunting, but I did come across their article on this really neat chicken coop you can buy called the Chicken Crib. I don't have a back yard, but if I ever do, and I'm going to raise chickens (fresh wings!) I will use a chicken crib.

So check out Cool Hunting, they really are 'hunting' cool things.


  1. I couldn't eat a chicken I'd raised in my backyard. I much rather the impersonal wings in the grocery store or butcher.

  2. Teena - I think your right, I wouldn't be able to. But now I'm thinking a chicken would be an awesome pet for me as a mascot . . . except I hate birds. That's why I'm eating them 1lb at a time . . .


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