Friday 4 June 2010

Going to a Boston Pizza VIP Tasting Event

Well, I'm feeling pretty special.

I recently was able to get on the invite list to Boston Pizza Orlean's VIP Tasting Event next week. They are testing out some new menu items and thanks to BP Orlean's Community Relations Coordinator Leslie Scott, I get to be one of them.

I'm excited for the tasting, as well as meeting up with some Ottawa food bloggers I see but have never met face to face. This should be fun!

I'll post more after the event. In the meantime, you can go back and check out my trip to Boston Pizza in Waterloo where I had some good wings with Juliana and Andrew.


  1. Oh you should have a blast. We just spent the day yesterday with 3 other food bloggers and their family at one of their lake front homes. We decided to make it at least a semi annual event. Have fun!

  2. It was great meeting you and getting the chance to 'compare notes'. :)

    Hopefully we'll get to meet up again in the near future.

  3. DLB - HEY YOU! Long time no talk!

    Teena - I will

    Chris - That sounds like a fun event!

    Christopher - That sounds good to me!


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