Wednesday 25 November 2009

World Wide Web Wacky Wing Wednesday #2 - Wing Zombie

It's another exciting edition of:

Yes, World Wide Web Wacky Wing Wednesday. WWWWWW. This is where I will surf the Web, and find other people talking about chicken wings. The world is full of chicken wing stories, wacky and otherwise. Recipes, restaurant reviews, eating contests or whatever. Today's Blog relating to wings in some shape or form:

Chicken wings, zombies, what can I say, a great combination. The website is a hodgepodge of stuff, but the important thing is there are wing reviews. Above is a photo from his wing encounters at Buffalo Wild Wing:

"The hot were quite good. They packed more heat than I’m used to getting in a traditional hot wing. They had a nice hit of spice but I would have liked a little more vinegar hit on the back end. The doneness was perfect and the wings were average size."

I tried BW3's wings back on the Great Wing Tour and I found them nice and big, but rubbery meat. The sauce on Wing Zombie's looks good though.

Keep up the good work WZ!


  1. Sure Zombies love wings, but those damn Vampires are so picky about garlic.

  2. Chris - it's true. Zombies just want to take a bite out of anything. Vampire just suck.

    Teena - That's the way wings should be - saucy!

  3. LMAO, well played.

  4. Crap...all this time I was wondering where the hell the traffic was coming from? I just discovered that you linked to my site. Thanks for the props. Been snowed in so not much activity but I'll be back on the ball soon. Thx!

  5. WingZombie - glad to see people were checking you out! I will be checking out to see that activity!


Thanks for your comments: Comment often - just keep it respectable or I'm sending your comment to the bone pile.