Thursday 26 November 2009

Toronto Star talks about Boneless Wings Boom

The Toronto Star has an article on Boneless wings, the chicken wing crisis in the states, and how the cost of wings are surpassing premium chicken breast meat. AND they mention our good wing buddies over at

It's titled, "Why Chicken Wings No Longer Have Bones"

While I will always choose actual wings over boneless any day, I can't say I hate a boneless wing. But I love the final quote of the piece by Jim Knisley, a contributor to Canadian Poultry magazine:

"At the many, and frequent, wing gatherings we partake in, there is always a wing-vs.-drumstick split that goes on, but I have yet to see a `boneless' camp show up and make their presence known," he says. "You eat wings and drums with your fingers, getting all saucy in the process, and you require a napkin – or 20 – at the end. "With the boneless wings, you eat the damn things with a knife and fork, require no napkin and you look like a tool.""

Like a tool. Priceless.


  1. What I find sad is that no one at PETA or the Humane Society has initiated research to find a cure for this horrible avian disease that is causing those poor chickens to be boneless. And what exactly goes on at these boneless chicken farms? Do the chickens just lay around all day? Certainly they can't walk without a skeletal structure.

  2. I see you saw that article!

    Boneless wings are chicken strips, not wings!

  3. Yes? Hi! The boneless wings are the super stupid. Even stupider than the time Vashi got his head caught in the banister.

  4. Teena - good call!

    Chris - LOL nice points

    Indianguy - That Vashi, always up to the crazy!

  5. EatDatGulk10:21 pm

    haha anyone who cant eat a boneless wing without hands..yall...are fools. anyone who therefore chooses to use a knife and fork so be it. furthermore the ability to get mouthful after mouthful of beautiful chicken is not satisfied by the weak services and dirty meat of the wing. thanks. eat up!

  6. EatDatGulk: Sorry mate, there's just something in the flavour of bone-in meat. And the primal activities bringing us back to our primitive nature. But to each their own . . .


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