Wednesday 1 April 2009


Well folks, its been a good run. But I think I'm finished. I've tried every wing there could possibly be out there, and I just can't find the perfect wing. Maybe this was all just a pipe dream and I thought I could find it, but maybe its just not out there.

This isn't like the time that I finished the Internet. I said I had reached the end and read every website. But I was just seeking attention.

I just don't think I can go on.

I'm not happy about this, but what can one do? That's why I haven't wrote in a while (that, and a wicked cold). Also, I've embraced a new change, and I know some people won't be happy about it. I think I'm going vegan. Or at least vegetarian. Isn't eating meat bad after all?

So after today, I will be changing the site and focusing on all your Tofu and Vegan news, recipes and reviews. I'm sure it won't be as exciting, but, oh well. I've grown some dreads and and got some tie die shirts to complete the change. Thanks again for all those who ate and read about chicken wings. They will fondly remembered as the GOOD OLD DAYS. Sigh.

Sucker - if you really believed I gave up on wings, you crazy! Check back for a bunch of wing info - I really have been sick and busy and didn't get to posting, but very soon!

Ok, pretty lame joke. Ok, really lame joke. Clearly I didn't fool anyone. But that's because people in the Wing Nation are the smartest!!! Anyways, I've got a bunch of posts coming up despite trouble with Youtube (actually Warner Music, darn you and your copywriting!!!) so check back soon.


  1. And a happy April Fools' Day to you too :)

  2. HAHAHAHA... Oh, you suck at lying, Wing King. Stick to what you know - rating chicken wings!
    Good April Fool's joke, though....

  3. Do you like your tofu battered or not? I prefer my vegan food wrapped in bacon. ;)

  4. Ah Jeffy. You make me laugh and I miss you.

    Knew it was a joke though because you always said you never got vegetarians, only kind of understood vegans.


Thanks for your comments: Comment often - just keep it respectable or I'm sending your comment to the bone pile.