Monday 1 September 2008

WK Chipotle Suicide Sauce v1.0 ~ Recipe

For so long now, I had dreamed of making my own sauce. Not just any sauce, a killer suicide wing sauce. Something distinct, flavourful but will turn your mouth to fire. Up until now, I have just mixed commercial sauces together. But not now. No this time I would be making my own creation.

WK Chipotle Suicide Sauce v1.0

  • Tomato paste
  • Vinegar
  • Worcestershire Sauce
  • Adobe Sauce (from Chipotle can)
  • Water
  • Chipotle peppers
  • Diced onion
  • Cayenne powder
  • Red chili powder
  • Ground corriander
  • Salt & pepper

  1. Add first 4 ingredients in a sauce pan on low-medium heat, mix
  2. In a blender/mixer/processor - whiz chipotle peppers whole and onion
  3. Add whizzed mixture to pot, add rest of ingredients.
  4. Stir and mix regularly for 2-3 hours

The ingredients. But I forgot some for the photos.

All the liquids and solid ingredients. Boiling in the pot. Keep stirring.

The Spices go in.

Bubble bubble, toil and trouble. Actually that's a misquote. But seriously, keep stirring and watching. On two separate occasions my back was turned, and the sauce exploded all over the kitchen. It was a terrible mess. Why didn't I take photos of that? Oh, because I was angry, that's why.

To test out the sauce, I had to try it out with some fresh wings. I had to cut up the wings into their 3 respective pieces. Not a fun task, but worth it.

The wings were seasoned with salt, pepper, cayenne and a little bit of oil. Baked at 400 degrees on each side for about 50 minutes, flipped 3 times.

And the finished wings themselves came out crispy and juicy and good enough to eat on their own.

Then I added the cooked sauce to the wings. My anticipation levels were pretty high.

The finished wings and sauce. Oh and some cheese bread to cut down the heat/mop up the sauce.

So how did the sauce turn out? It didn't. I was quite disappointed because the overwhelming flavour of tomato was there, and no heat. Through the early cooking process I kept tasting the sauce, and the heat was killer, but slow and gradual. By the time I was done, it was pretty mild.

My other big mistake that I made was that I used tomato paste (which I bought by accident) which was way more potent than I wanted. There was lots to learn from, lots to learn from.

To celebrate my wings, I had grabbed a bottle of Stewart's Black Cherry soda the day before. I l love cherry coke, and while some black cherry drinks are not up to snuff, this was a good bottled soda.

So what now? I have a ton of sauce that didn't meet my expectations. I guess it could be used for pasta sauce, or even a salsa. I had read someone's recipe on the Internet about 'steeping' the sauce for 2 weeks, then straining it. I might do that and re-infuse the chipotle. I don't know. I'm sad, but not defeated. Lost the battle, not the war.

Thumbs down.


  1. Anonymous4:53 pm

    How much of each ingredient?

  2. @Anonymous - that's a good question. I didn't really measure. I actually don't even recommend this sauce - it was an experiment that failed . . . sorry!


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