Wednesday 24 September 2008

Chinese Mid-Autumn Day Wing with Dude & Julie ~ RECIPE

Chinese Mid-Autumn Day Wing Recipe Review!

Ni hao! Hello! My good friend, the Wing King, has been asking me for another wing review. I must say I have procrastinated a bit so I thought I would give him a special review. Once a year the Chinese celebrate Mid Autumn Day. It’s a wonderful holiday about two lovers. If you want to know more check out But let’s get down to business…food…more importantly…WINGS!

Julie and I wanted chicken wings, this was clear. However, sometimes our differences come in-between what to eat! No matter, we would have TWO wing reviews! We winged this idea and went for it. Also this review will include some other foods as well. Mostly meat! So it begins, with any good wing review must come preparation.

I opted for a new fresh idea. A little Canadian kung fu if you will. I was going to make Canadian Maple Syrup Wings! Now I live in Xi’an China which as you may guess - is hard to find good maple syrup. But this didn’t stop my foul mouth. I phoned my parents months ago to send me some!!

So I started with my usual mixture to get the party started. I fried up some garlic, onion, salt and pepper. This time I would not use my traditional butter, but rather cooking oil. Then I sliced open those wings and started cooking!

Then it was time! I would add my sweet nectar from the Gods! BUT, would it be too sweet? NO! I could not be chicken about this. WWTWKD? He would try.

Ohhhhh the slizzilin was getting me excited!!!

After some careful cooking, my wings were ready to go. I put some tin foil on it to conserve the heat, while Julie continued the preparation for din-din.

Before she started her wings, she got some beef and started making some small steaks! I was soooo happy! I had to coop up my excitement and let her concentrate on cooking. She mixed some beer with the steak and some garlic, onion salt and pepper.

She was really cooking up a storm!!

Ok, enough…now back to the WINGS!! Julie wanted a different approach than my very sweet style of wings. She went for a Soy Sauce and Beer combo.

But I wasn't worried…I KNEW my wings would soar higher!

Uh-oh…..her wings were looking better! With a nervous laugh I told her the wings looked “okay” However, behind her back - I was worried!!

They looked really good!

Oh and just to add some more food…she cooked up some shrimp. Man, this girl can cook!

Soooo much food! You could say it was enough to feed a terracotta army!

Indeed it was!

Now to eat our wings. I must say my Maple Syrup wings were GREAT! Not as sweet as you might think. The onion I had added really gave it some ying yang balance.

Julie’s wings were great as well! Such a great contrast to my wings – they actually went very well together. Her wings were very juicy, those chop sticks came in handy!

All in all a wing-success!

We were thinking and talking about the Wing King the whole time. Maybe next time he could grace us with his wing presence!

Cheers Wing King!

Click HERE for more photos @ The Wing Bucket

1 comment:

  1. They look/sound yummy!

    I've never seen anyone eat them with chopsticks before.


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