- raw pizza dough
- pizza sauce
- mozzarella cheese (shredded)
- cornmeal
- garlic powder
2) the tricky part: folding the edges and making a ball without the sauce spilling out. Then rolling it to make a ball.
3) On cutting board, I spread out cornmeal and garlic powder. With Clin-Ton's help, we rolled the balls in the cornmeal and garlic creating a slight crust.
That damn Flying Monkey was watching, getting ready to cause trouble.
4) Once the deep fryer reached the hottest temperature, I tossed in about 4-5 at a time and cooked until they a) floated & b) had a nice golden colour.
These DF Pizza Balls turned out great. Cheesy on the inside, crunchy on the outside. I used a cheap brand of mozzarella cheese, so it wasn't restaurant grade, but it worked. I even liked them cold the next day. Julianna L came over and tested a Log and a Ball, and while liking both, the DFPB was the winner.
The biggest problem I had with the DFPB's was the deep fryer itself. Apparently (as can be seen from the picture above) I did not get the ball completely covered, causing sauce and cheese to leak out. This made a TERRIBLE mess in the deep fryer and when trying to clean the basket a day later, it was covered in black nastiness.
The wings on the other hand turned out wonderful. I had more than enough sauce left over from yesterdays wings, most of which I bottled. The rest, warmed in a pot and poured back over this fresh batch of wings. Magnifique!
1) The Wing-It Deep Fryer is a wonderful, easy to use tool. Highly recommend it
2) Other things it can make very well include fries, chicken nuggets, DF Ravioli & DF Pizza Balls
3) It is clear, despite other's claims, that there is no real substitute when making chicken wings to deep frying. Yes baking & grilling is a healthier way of making them. However, the flavour, texture and overall wing is not up to par to a deep fried wing.
Wow, the Lord of the Wings. I like your blog. Congrats on the deep fryer!